Technical Info
License overview of third-party components
This site uses the following software/components:
- Debian
- Nginx
- PostgreSQL
- OpenLDAP slapd
- Python
- Django
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Bootstrap CSS
- Glyphicons Halflings icons
- python-ldap
- django-ldapdb
- creoleparser
- Genshi
- python-nameparser
- django-widget-tweaks
- PyGraphviz
- NetworkX
- Pillow
- python-etherpad_lite
- Raven
- pydiscourse
- PyPDF2
- python-magic
- bleach
- fuzzywuzzy
- mathjax
- ckeditor
- Collectd
- Graphite
- BitPoll
- Etherpad-lite
- Node.js
- adminpads
- align
- author_hover
- authornames
- ether-o-meter
- font_family
- font_size
- headings2
- hide_referrer
- latexexport
- line_height
- message_all
- subscript_and_superscript
- SOGo
- Postfix
- Sentry
Listed in no particular order.